Dr. iur. Matthias Meier
Main activities
Advice and representation in litigation for private individuals, companies and enterprises. Focus on labour law, in specific drafting of contracts and assistance with dismissals, as well as on media law/protection of personal rights. Main areas of practice in the following fields of law:
Studied law at the Universities of Zurich and Lausanne ("Joint Degree"; 2010 to 2015). Worked for a large commercial law firm (2012 to 2015). Admitted to the bar (2017), since then, practising attorney-at-law at Bachmann Rechtsanwälte AG. PhD in law (Dr. iur.) (2021) with thesis on the topic of "Rights and obligations under an employment contract during the notice period".
Publications >
“Anordnung des Ferienbezugs während der Kündigungsfrist” (Disposition of holiday entitlement during the notice period) (Urteilsbesprechung ARV 3/2023)
“Rechte und Pflichten während der arbeitsvertraglichen Kündigungsfrist” ("Rights and obligations under an employment contract during the notice period") (PhD University Zurich, published in Bern, 2022)
"Beschaffung von Beweisen und deren Verwertung im arbeitsrechtlichen Prozess" (Procurement of evidence and its utilisation in employment law proceedings) (ARV 1/2021; together with RA MLaw Simon Hampl)
"Kurzabsenzen und Sperrfristenschutz" (Short-term absences and blocking period protection) (AJP 12/2019; together with RA MLaw Simon Hampl)
"Die Anwesenheitsprämie" (The attendance bonus) (ARV 3/2017)
"Arbeitszeiterfassung – Lockerung der Dokumentationspflicht gemäss dem Entwurf des Bundesrats" (Tracking of working hours - relaxation of the documentation obligation according to the draft of the Federal Council) (Jusletter of 21 December 2015)
, English, German, French
Dr. iur. Adrian Bachmann
Partner and Attorney-at-Law
lic. iur. Rémy Ribbe
Partner and Attorney-at-Law
Dr. iur. Markus H. Schneider
lic. iur. Jan Berchtold
Dr. iur. Matthias Meier
MLaw Nicole Zellweger-Wick
MLaw Naomi Mark
MLaw Kaja Veltz
BLaw Laura Frick
Mahsa Hedinger
Office Manager
Noah Zilic
Administrative assistant
Chiara Condello
Administrative assistant
Julia Diebold
Administrative assistant
Vanessa Kern
Administrative assistant